How to Make Cuisines Eungkot Paya From Aceh - Indonesia


Curry Eungkot Paya Special Aceh is the typical food of Aceh are made of material catfish, catfish cooked with coconut roasted and spice spices typical of Aceh that daaun temurui and acid sunti to add the culinary delights of Aceh this one. If you have never tasted the cuisine of this and want to try the recipe but can not do not worry, because I will share the recipe with you, how to make curry recipe Eungkot Paya Special Aceh as follows ...

Eungkot Paya

Recipe Eungkot Paya

Ingredients and Seasonings :

  • 500 grams of fish cork, cut into pieces according to taste
  • lime juice
  • salt to taste
  • 5 tablespoons toasted coconut, crushed
  • 2 sprigs of curry leaves (salam koja) download leaves
  • 3 lime leaves
  • 10 eyes sunti acid
  • 700 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut

puree :

  • 2 tbsp toasted coriander
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 8 red onions
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 10 pieces cayenne
  • 7 curly red chilies
  • 5 red chilies

How to make :

  • Rinse the fish, coat with sdkt salt and lemon juice. let stand 15 minutes.
  • Enter the spices, toasted coconut, curry leaves, lime leaves, and sunti acid and stir well.
  • Pour the coconut milk and cook over low heat until juah shrink and the flavors mingle.
  • Remove and serve.

That's how to make curry Eungkot Paya Aceh special, for those of you who have never tasted the cuisine of Aceh's no harm in trying to practice cooking at home with the help of the recipe that I made this. Hopefully this article I make this useful and so yes ... thank you.

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