How to Make Cuisines Gulee Eungkot Yee from Aceh - Indonesia


Gulee Eungkot Yee or goulash sharks are typical dishes Aceh cooked with herbs and spices that is very typical as teumurui leaves and leaf Kruet makes curry be typical aroma. The following is the full recipe.

Gulee Eungkot Yee

Material :
  • Shark, to eliminate the fishy smell. Wash the lemon juice a few times, then let stand briefly.
  • on temurui
  • On bankrupt or lime leaf
  • Sere
  • Green peppers, cut to the center

Materials mashed :
  • Shallots are 8 points
  • Garlic 2 eggs
  • Coriander powder 1 tbsp
  • 3 Fruit Red Chillies
  • Turmeric 2 cm
  • U neu Lheu (gonseng oil that has been refined)
  • galangal

How to cook :

Heat the oil. Saute the ingredients that have been mashed together existing materials. Once fragrant, put the fish. Let sit until the flavors mingle.
Pour enough water, wait until cooked and thickened.

The food was ready to be served.

                                                                     GOOD LUCK ...         

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