Bread Nets Recipes Typical Aceh - Indonesia


Bread nets are foods derived from the Malay North Sumatra. Usually the food is served alongside Malay curry sauce.Deli food in this famous goat curry and served with pickled pineapple. According to the humanist M Muhar Omtatok, bread nets is Malay food could have been adapted from elements of India. Bread nets are in the Riau Islands by the name of chiral bread.

Bread Nets ( Roti Jala )

Ingredients : 

  • 2 eggs
  • 600 cc coconut milk
  • 350 grams of wheat flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • Plastic bags spray

How to make :

  1. Mix the flour with salt and coconut milk, stir well
  2. Beat eggs, input into the flour mixture gradually, stirring until blended
  3. Prepare a spray plastic bag, fill it with dough
  4. Heat margarine over non-stick pan
  5. Spray the dough form a lace - lace or netting and scrambled then folded or shape according to taste (the long, triangular or rectangular)
  6. Cook over a small flame until cooked
  7. Remove and drain.

As a complement, serve bread with goat curry nets and pineapple or to taste. The food is ready to be served as the main menu. It's easy, right

                                                              Good luck ...            


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