Eungkot Keumamah Recipes typical of Aceh - Indonesia


Eungkot Keumamah is more typical dishes Aceh to taste very challenging. Just like shape, fish keumamah made of tuna that has been boiled and dried and then sliced. Keumamah fish can be cooked using various food ingredients, such as coconut milk, potatoes, green chilies and other ingredients Rempahan. During the Aceh war against the Dutch in the wilderness, type of cuisine is very famous because it is very easy to carry and cooked.

Eungkot Keumamah

How to Make Cuisines Eungkot Keumamah Typical Aceh

Ingredients :

  • 1 piece of fish keumamah (wooden fish) boiled, then sliced ​​thinly
  • 30 pieces sunti acid
  • 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper minced
  • ½ tablespoon ground red chili
  • 10 shallots
  • 1 petiole peas Pulai (teumurui)
  • 1 cup of coconut oil

How to make : 

Mix all ingredients and stir with a cup of oil that has been heated, cook until golden. if you like it spicy, can add chili Green in 3 broken when sauteing.


Tips to make Keumamah

Poached tuna / tuna / Suree had cleaned entrails intact, give lime juice or tamarind, boil until the water dried. And sun dried, may dilumur with tapioca for protecting the outer layer and dried again so loud, it looks like a piece of dry wood.

                                                                     Good Luck ...          


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