How to Make Cuisines Cimpa Cake from North Sumatra - Indonesia


Cimpa is food such as cakes and cookies Karo tribe of North Sumatra, Cimpa made from glutinous rice cooked by steaming. Cimpa has a sweet taste because stuffing of Cimpa uses grated coconut sweetened with sugar and then cooked together. Curious about how to cook cakes Cimpa Typical karo?

Cimpa Cake

I will share her recipe as follows : 

Materials needed

  • 500 grams of glutinous rice flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 300 ml coconut milk
  • 1 leaves Singkut
  • coconut oil
  • Singkut leaves or can be replaced with banana leaves (for wrapping)

Materials for unti or its contents

  • 1 coconuts but somewhat younger instantly peeled and grated
  • 500 grams of brown sugar that has been in comb
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 pandan leaf
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 100 ml water

How to make a delicious cake Cimpa

To unti or stuffing

  • Cook brown sugar together with water added with sugar and pandan leaf also input and salt until boiling
  • In stirring constantly until thickened sugar water and foaming, after the input of grated coconut and stir again until coconut cooked lift and immediately set aside
  • Then mix glutinous rice flour and salt until blended stir again
  • Do not forget to also add the coconut milk a little while continue stirring until the dough is smooth, or more details, do not stick in hand can pulung
  • Prepare the leaves Singkut in dlu basting with oil lau give two tablespoons of dough sticky rice, and add unti in the middle of her in the fold and wrap like making lepet, do continue until the dough runs
  • And after that steamed cake Cimpa approximately 30 minutes or until cooked lift and
  • Serve

That's how to make cakes Cimpa

                                                                         Good luck ...          

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