How to Make Cuisines Gule Bulung Gadung from North Sumatra - Indonesia


Curry bulung gadung is one of the traditional cuisine in South Tapanuli are included in this type of curry.

Curry Bulung Gadung is a favorite cuisine Mandailing people, even every day to say the Mandailing Consuming these foods and oddly we never get bored, especially those in the Overseas Mandailing always longed for this cuisine.

Curry Bulung Gadung

How to make

Ingredients : 

  • 2 bunches cassava leaves
  • 1 piece of old coconut (grated)
  • Rimbang (Tekokak) to taste
  • 1 piece kecombrang (crushed)
  • 5 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • 4 fish sale / salai
  • 1 liter of water

How to make : 

  • Select cassava leaves, separate them with its stalk and then wash
  • Squeeze the grated coconut, freshly split second for the First adengan juice squeezed dngan each 500ml water
  • Take a mortar / pestle and mortar and then mashed cassava leaves, salt, sugar, cayenne pepper and Rimbang bit by bit to pieces and set aside
  • Heat the coconut juice and boiled cassava leaves along with spices that have been destroyed
  • Put lemon grass and flowers kecombrang, stir
  • After boiling the fish enter the first sale and coconut juice
  • After condensed soup and boil turn off the heat
  • Serve.

That's how to make Curry Bulung Gadung

                                                                        Good luck...          

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